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It took some time but we figured out the perfect content strategies to generate positive replies. Our content writers make sure our customers have the perfect prospect and sales engaging content for their brand.


Our standard campaign is used for prospecting. Contacts are emailed until they reply. The time between emails starts out a little more aggressive and then the frequency backs down as the contact matures in the campaign. Use the frequency campaign, events and one-time messages to create additional campaigns to meet your needs.


Contacts are the single most important factor to your success. The more contacts you put in, the busier you will be. You can add a single contact on the fly, upload a spreadsheet, share contacts with another subscriber or purchase contacts from us. We have contact specialists who can help you find ideal prospects for your business. The key is to consistently add contacts all of the time. How quickly can you get to
2500 or more?


When contacts reply (and they will), choose the appropriate reply action and approve or edit the auto-generated content, send the reply and create and schedule the applicable follow up emails that go out automatically eliminating those pesky tasks. Prospects are automatically updated in the system and all history is neatly filed away with the contact.


Assign custom pipeline steps, keep basic notes, track sales by product type and use the won/lost toggle to easily keep track of sales opportunities. When you close a sale, populate the value and renewal date to make sure you are reaching back out at the appropriate time.


View rep activity, manage reps, assign contact credits, manage contacts, track sales run reports and keep a pulse on the overall success of your team. Our reporting keeps you on track. Have confidence that your are adding enough contacts to create activity, easily view your active pipeline and forecast and quickly take a peek at your entire team’s activity.

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